Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Why I do it.

 A recent client asked me how I got into this "business" per say, and I had to think a bit to come up with an answer, because I have a lot of reasons why I do it.
 The number one reason I think though is because I really enjoy people in their element. With their families, eachother or themselves; however they may be. Even if it means a laughing toddler or a daydreaming teenager; these are memories and this is the moment and it is all REAL! So if it means we trudge through fields, climb flights of stairs and get a little dirty, its all ok! I do it for the sake of having that memory and the moment forever!
I think being able to recognize that a family and their dynamic is much different from the next is important! Being able to capture a person or group just being themselves is the most special part of my job.  I try not to get too stuck on any one idea or pose because most often, it doesn't work like that. If I lined up a family and expected them to just smile it wouldn't be real, and thats not what my job is about at all. I don't want a stiff and uniform image, and I look for a client who doesn't either. If candid is your style you are in the right place :)


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