Wednesday, October 24, 2012

D Family-Sneak Peek!

  The D family was ready to go on a Sunday afternoon after a Packers win! Lots of giggles from these two boys and lots of running for these busy parents :) Thanks D family for the experience!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

S Family

 The S family and I met at a new location here in Appleton and had a blast catching some great sunshine as the sun was going down! Little J was adorable and full of smiles! It was nice meeting you S family! Enjoy!


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

L--Remembering those toothless grins :)

I am partial to L because he is my son. He has been in front of a camera since he was born and knows the drill well. The more you cooperate the quicker it goes!
Anyway, I took him down to a local college campus for a few pictures to remember him in this stage of life, no teeth and all!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

M Session Two-A day at the farm

 I met with M this past weekend to get some more shots of her on her grandparents farm! Visiting a unique location is a special way to incorporate family memories into a session, I highly reccomend it!
 M's cousin B was able to hop in for a few shots as well. Both girls will be graduating this year and grew up together :)

Congrats girls! It was a pleasure working with you!

Monday, October 8, 2012

If you don't have a studio..........

 I am an "on-site" photographer, which means I don't have an actual studio. This setup works great in the warmer months as we are in Wisconsin and have some of the most beautiful outdoor backdrops around. Natural lighting makes for the best pictures so this is an ideal way to shoot photographs anyway. 
However, in the Winter things can get a little tricky. I am still able to shoot photographs, just not as many children or families due to the harsh winter. However, outdoor photos with snow make for some of the most beautiful engagement shots or senior photos!
I have also developed a small portable setup I take with me when I shoot newborn photos, or pictures of infants. Because this setup is portable and the clients are small I am able to take these photos in the winter. A room with lots of natural light works perfectly fine for these little babies and makes for some beautiful shots, without having to go outdoors. Here are some examples of that kind of portrait.
This little sweetie is more than happy to be indoors with heat and her cozy blanket :)

I strongly encourage any parents out there to consider newborn pictures. There is no better way to capture those fleeting baby moments!


Sunday, October 7, 2012

B Family-Portraits for the Holidays

 With six little ones this family kept me on my toes! We had a lot of fun and the little girls enjoyed posing, who doesn't like being a model for a day?! :)
Enjoy B family, I hope you are happy with these candid memories!


Friday, October 5, 2012

M---Senior Session

 M was a real treat to work with! her big smile and easy-going nature made our time fly by. Thanks M for the experience!!!


Thursday, October 4, 2012

H---Senior Session

 H and I met for an afternoon full of laughing and traveling from one location to the next! I think we hit 6 different spots and got some great photos in each of them!


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Why I do it.

 A recent client asked me how I got into this "business" per say, and I had to think a bit to come up with an answer, because I have a lot of reasons why I do it.
 The number one reason I think though is because I really enjoy people in their element. With their families, eachother or themselves; however they may be. Even if it means a laughing toddler or a daydreaming teenager; these are memories and this is the moment and it is all REAL! So if it means we trudge through fields, climb flights of stairs and get a little dirty, its all ok! I do it for the sake of having that memory and the moment forever!
I think being able to recognize that a family and their dynamic is much different from the next is important! Being able to capture a person or group just being themselves is the most special part of my job.  I try not to get too stuck on any one idea or pose because most often, it doesn't work like that. If I lined up a family and expected them to just smile it wouldn't be real, and thats not what my job is about at all. I don't want a stiff and uniform image, and I look for a client who doesn't either. If candid is your style you are in the right place :)